Warmaster Empire Unit Cards

Summary of the rules of each unit, in a MTG-sized card.

I have started playing Warmaster recently, and one of the things I really like is the variety of factions of factions and units. However, this also makes very difficult to remember all the rules, so I made some custom cards, MTG-size, with all the Empire stuff.

The card assets are mostly images from Games Workshop Empire army book from 9th edition, with all decoration coming from Gwent: The card game and Total War Warhammer, all edited a bit to make it integrated.

The cards don’t have a backside, they are designed to be used with a MTG card protector with black back. They are printed on 300gr satin paper.

You can download the sheet here: https://cloud.ajimenez.es/index.php/s/GZDNnEG4X6D8Mzn

Do note that because Empire has 19 cards, and there are 9 per A4 page, the last page contains 8 repeated cards.

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